Video game
Localizing games is a cross-disciplinary field, as the process combines elements from both audiovisual and software localization. Video game media is non-linear, which affects the design of the localization workflow and turns agility into a key success factor. Oftentimes, the language version dubbing is done in parallel with the original voicing, which imposes a whole set of complex project management challenges. Additionally, in most cases, video reference is not yet available, let alone the final version of the game. In combination with different synchronization requirements (no time constraint, time-constrained and lip sync) in specific parts of the game, it turns game dubbing into true art. With this lack of reference, what we do is to use the original audio waveform and replicate in the foreign language recordings to ensure consistency between the source and the language versions.
Insert a coin
Back in the days, video games were meant solely for entertainment. Today video games are also being used for education, where while playing, users are both learning and experiencing, gaining rewards and points for practicing certain skills or reaching goals in regard to certain knowledge. Playing video games became a profession for certain talented individuals, who made millions from winning gaming championships. VR is on its way to enrich the gaming experience beyond belief.
Game on
More and more often these days' video games are developed in tandem with major motion picture studios to complement a feature film that already has been released. It's more common that original lines of dialogue are voice acted by celebrities - the same actors that are acting on the feature film. As video games are becoming more and more cinematic, it takes a special type of character voice acting in order to be able to create and maintain an identical user experience into a foreign language.